On 29th January, BNA met with ACE President, Ruth Schagemann, and ACE Secretary General, Ian Pritchard, to discuss current priorities for the Dutch architecture sector, update one another on current legislative developments in the EU and ensure increased Dutch involvement and influence in relevant ACE Working Groups and activities. More information on ACE Working Groups involvement will be shared soon, so keep an eye out for this.
The morning after, Daniel Brennan met with Member of European Parliament (MEP) Jeannette Baljeu (VVD)’s Policy Advisor in the European Parliament. MEP Baljeu is her political group’s negotiator for the European Parliament’s report on public procurement. The European Parliament’s report will be a vital contribution to shape the European Commission’s upcoming revision of the Public Procurement Directive. It was, therefore, an ideal opportunity to introduce the BNA and our work, establish contact with Dutch political stakeholders, and explain some of the challenges that architects experience with public tenders.
That same morning, Daniel also attended the first session of the European Parliament’s new Special Committee on the Housing Crisis in the EU. Dutch MEP Dirk Gotink (New Social Contract- EPP Group) was elected as Vice-Chair, which is of particular relevance to our sector, and a good contact for future discussions in Brussels.
Last 4th February, the BNA travelled to London together with a delegation of the Dutch Architects’ Register, to meet with representatives of the UK’s Architects Registration Board (ARB) and the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). With these meetings we sought to establish a working relationship with both associations, gain a deeper mutual understanding of each other’s work and current priorities, as well as to lay a foundation for future engagement and collaboration.
Of particular relevance for the BNA was the discussion to renew a pre-existing agreement between BNA and RIBA, which would allow to streamline and enable reciprocal membership to both associations for Duch and British architecture firms alike. Efforts will be made to restore this agreement of potentially high value for BNA members.